Academic Advising
Academic advising is available to all students. It is highly recommended that students seek academic advising each term in order to properly register for classes. It is the responsibility of the student to consult with the advisor during registration. An advisor will assist the student in scheduling courses so as to fulfill the requirements of the degree program. Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of the student to fulfill the relevant requirements of the degree. Advisors also maintain files on individual advising sessions to assist in academic planning.
Sometimes students experience academic difficulties not because they do not understand the specific course material, but rather due to other factors such as excessive anxiety, poorly developed study skills, or unrealistic expectations about how much they can handle. Academic advising can help students figure out what may be impeding their academic progress and assist them in taking steps to address the problem(s). University of Irvine provides a friendly setting in which students may explore concerns of a personal, academic, or career-related nature.